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My Portfolio's health is Great!

Time to check your Portfolio's Health and Trading Analysis

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Generate a Portfolio Evaluation and Trading Analysis Report

Are you holding the right set of stocks?

PortfolioSmith will algorithmically evaluate and give a quick analysis of your portfolio and each stock in it and recommendations based on CAN SLIM Methodology

PortfolioSmith diagnoses the overall strength of your stock

Evaluate your current portfolio to make sure you are on the path to maximize the wealth creation PortfolioSmith diagnoses the overall strength of your stock after an expert examination of its technical and fundamental characteristics.

Partner with us to give your clients the best evaluation tool:

You can also upload your recommendations

You can recommend stocks from your portfolio

Features Free Monthly Quarterly Annually
Portfolio Performance
Proprietary Rating & Rankings
Fundamental Data
Sector Analysis & Style Diversification
Best Winners/ Worst Losers
Best / Worst exclusions
Existing vs. Restructured portfolio
Trading Analysis
Reports Unlimited 3 13 52
Pricing 0 499/- 1,499/- 4,999/-

Sample Report

Frequently Asked Questions

PortfolioSmith is a portfolio evaluation tool that uses algorithms to provide a quick analysis of your portfolio or its constituent stocks and make recommendations based on the CAN SLIM methodology. You can evaluate your current portfolio to make sure you are on the path to maximize wealth creation. PortfolioSmith makes it easy to diagnose your stock ideas and see if they earn a pass, neutral, or fail score for the ratings and other critical technical and fundamental factors.
PortfolioSmith algorithmically evaluates your portfolio and provides recommendations based on the CAN SLIM methodology by using machine learning and AI. We are trying to incorporate all aspects an analyst would look into. This helps us provide an unbiased report/evaluation in less than a minute for up to 100 stocks.
We believe evaluating your portfolio once a week will give you vital insights to take further steps to protect capital and maximize wealth creation.
You can upload your transactions using one of the following options:
  1. Select PortfolioSmith Format and upload transactions in the format provided in the sample csv file
  2. Manually enter transactions one by one
  3. Upload your Zerodha Traderbook
  4. Import transactions from My Portfolio section of MarketSmith India, if you have updated in My Portfolio.
We base our recommendations on the CAN SLIM growth investing strategy. It considers both fundamental and technical aspects to give BUY/SELL ratings.
We use portfolio allocation models to arrive at the optimal allocation for each stock in the portfolio.
There is no fixed time period for the change in recommendations. Since price and moving averages are also considered, the recommendations can change as early as one day or continue to remain the same for a longer duration too.
No, you can enter your actual buy and sell prices. The system will apply the required split factors.
The analysis does not consider short selling. Please make sure you have included the corresponding buy transaction for each sell. The sell quantity for a stock should be less than or equal to the buy quantity of the stock. Also, make sure the buy transaction date is older than its sell transaction date.
The performance section includes best winners/exclusions and worst losers/exclusions. This is arrived at by considering the position you have closed. In case you have not included any closed position/sell transactions, this section will not populate.
The monthly, quarterly, and annual subscription is valid only for 30, 90, and 365 days, respectively. If you do not generate the given reports, they will expire/lapse at the end of your subscription days.
No, we do not consider transaction cost in our calculations.
The tool identifies weak stocks for SELL recommendations. Also, if you are over invested in any particular stock, you will be asked to REDUCE. This will lead to cash balance. To know which stock you should buy, you can subscribe to our Model Portfolio or Algos in QuantSmith.